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Each student who brings a motor vehicle to the Randolph College campus must register it with the Department of Campus Safety at the beginning of the fall term, 或者在获得后的三天内,在学年的任何晚些时候. 更换机动车或者取得新的号牌、登记的, 校园安全必须在更改后的三个工作日内通知. 机动车辆包括摩托车和踏板车. 滑板车还必须在林奇堡市注册, Virginia, 根据当地条例, 如果在城市街道上操作.


  1. 车辆登记是通过det365亚洲版365亚洲版学院门户@电子完成 使用指定的登录和密码信息. 打开网页后,点击 Campus Tools 选项卡,然后选择 停车登记. 填写简短的表单并单击提交. 注册费会自动添加到你在校园里的学生账户中. 指定的停车贴将在接待处领取 & 当你在秋天到达时,在大厅大厅的咨询台.
  2. Students who possess a vehicle and/or park on campus at any time must pay an annual parking fee as part of the vehicle registration process.
  3. 更改车辆登记不收取任何费用.
  4. All registered vehicles parked on campus must display the current Randolph College parking decal on the exterior of the lower right side (passenger’s side) of the rear window.
  5. 可签发特殊停车许可证和残疾人停车许可证, as needed, 有专业医疗人员出具的证明文件. 这必须在提出住宿要求时提交.



  1. 停车规定和停车位规定是24小时有效的, 7 days a week, 一年12个月. 定期例外通知可以张贴或传播校园通讯.
  2. The College reserves the right to change or otherwise restrict parking designations as conditions warrant.
  3. 车辆不得在草地、地面或人行道上行驶或停放.
  4. Loading and unloading is permitted in front of Main Hall when a vehicle is parked in a proper parking space, 或在学生迁入/迁出期间按照校园安全部门的指示办理, 最多30分钟. 一定要通知接待处 & 问讯处避免被引用.
  5. 拥有车辆的学生客人必须在接待处登记 & 问讯处设在正厅,并可将车停在贝尔学生停车场、卫生室 & 咨询中心停车场,或诺福克大道,365亚洲版体育和舞蹈(RAD)中心停车场.
  6. 从里弗蒙特大道到摩尔大厅,沿着主校园大道的路边停车, 或者绕这两个圆中的任何一个, is not permitted as this is a fire lane.
  7. 从史密斯大厅和大厅沿主校园车道的停车位保留给 只限学院的访客及嘉宾, 一天24小时,一周7天,一年12个月.
  8. 因疏忽造成财产损失的,司机应当负赔偿责任.
  9. 车辆不得停在非特别指定的泊车区/空间.


  1. 学生停车仅限于:
    1. 贝尔大厅楼下的学生停车场与北普林斯顿圆环平行.
    2. 诺福克大道,RAD中心停车场
    3. Multiple parking spaces behind the Leggett Building along East Campus Drive (near the Boiler Room) are reserved for Day and Prime Time students.
    4. 沿着主校园大道从里弗蒙特大道到摩尔大厅路边停车, 或者绕这两个圆中的任何一个, is not permitted as this is a fire lane.
    5. 沿校园主车道,由史密斯堂至主堂的泊车位将预留予 只限学院的访客及嘉宾, 一周7天,一天24小时,一年12个月.
  2. 校园安全官员将提供护送进出所有停车场, 以及校园里的任何地点和设施, 去停车场, 宿舍或教学楼在夜间或按要求. 联系前台 & 问询台为这项免费服务(434)947-8000.
  3. 学生必须为他们的客人办理停车证, 在发生紧急情况或事故时提供车辆信息. 通行证在接待处发放 & 在大厅的问讯处.
  4. 从下午6点开始,学生可以把车停在下列的教职工停车场.m. to 7 a.m. 周一到周四,周五下午6点.m. 到星期一早上7点.m.:
    • RAD中心的诺福克大道一侧
    • 幼儿学校地段)

    *主厅和摩尔厅之间的空间-在心理学大楼前面, 史密斯-赖特停车场, 上贝尔地块, the Health &咨询中心地块, and the reserved spaces behind the Leggett Building are not to be used by students at any time unless a notice of exception is distributed.

  5. Students must move their vehicles from faculty and staff parking areas listed above to the student parking lot during winter weather conditions to allow for snow removal and treatment of slick or icy pavement, or if a campus-wide parking restriction notice has been posted or communicated providing more specific information or direction.


  1. Any vehicle that receives a citation for not having a current parking permit will have three business days to be registered. 在第三天结束时, 该车辆将收到另一张罚单,并可能安装启动装置.
  2. Any vehicle that is parked in a reserved parking space or parked in a handicap parking space without the permission of Campus Safety will be subject to a citation and may have a boot device applied – first offense.
  3. Any vehicle that is parked in a fire lane will receive a citation and may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
  4. 任何安装了启动装置并保持超过48小时的车辆, 或者两个工作日, 可能会被拖走,费用由船主承担.
  5. Any vehicle that is parked on the sidewalk will receive a citation and may have a boot device applied to the vehicle – first offense.
  6. All parking citation appeals must be made in writing by submitting a completed Parking Citation Appeal Form 在72小时内提交给校园安全主任(或在其不在时指定), 或者三个工作日, 收到奖状后.  上诉程序说明和上诉表格可在接待处获得 & 正厅问讯处:
    • 上诉程序(PDF)
  7. Vehicles that receive three citations within a 30 day period will have a boot device applied when a fourth citation is issued.
  8. 学生将收取50美元的费用,从他们的车辆上移除任何启动设备, 除了引用费.
  9. 所有的引用都是40美元 and payment of all fees and fines are payable to Randolph College and are collected by the Cashier in the Business Office during normal weekday hours of operation.
  10. All State, Federal, 在校园必须遵守城市交通法规和与车辆违章有关的刑法.

Randolph College does not accept any responsibility or liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents at any time. 请锁好停放的车辆,将贵重物品放在视线之外或从车辆中取出.


Randolph College faculty and staff members must register motor vehicles that will be parked on College grounds or properties at any time with the Department of Campus Safety at the beginning of employment. 这包括摩托车、摩托车和踏板车. 如果机动车辆被更换, 或者在稍后的时间获得新的注册/车牌号码, 员工应在更改后三个工作日内通知校园安全部门. A request to drop or add a vehicle may also be accomplished by following the path noted in the 车辆注册登记 section below. 有效的365亚洲版学院停车贴必须在校园内随时展示.


College employees may register a vehicle and request a free parking decal for no more than two primary vehicles via theon-line registration system. Access is accomplished by logging into the RC Portal; Academics tab (top of the page); Campus Tools header on the page. 在接待处领取贴花时,将通过电子邮件通知员工 & 问讯处在大厅大厅. Those who may not have computer access can complete a written vehicle registration request form found at the Reception & 服务台. 一旦收到完整的表格,数据将被输入,并为员工准备一个印章. 当贴花可以领取时,将通过直接主管通知该员工.


  1. 停车规定和停车位规定是24小时有效的, 7 days a week, 一年12个月. 定期例外或限制通知可张贴或传播校园通讯.
  2. The College reserves the right to change or otherwise restrict parking designations as conditions may warrant.
  3. 车辆不得停放在非指定的停车区域或空间内.
  4. Lack of convenient parking or absence of a space in any particular area on campus does not excuse a violation of the College parking regulations.
  5. 沿着主校园大道从里弗蒙特大道到摩尔大厅路边停车, 或者绕这两个圆中的任何一个, is not permitted 因为这是消防通道.
  6. Use of designated handicap/handicap accessible parking spaces without proper documentation of medical restriction, limitation, and/or display of Division of Motor Vehicle issued placard or campus issued handicap placard is prohibited.
  7. 汽车或卡车不得在人行道上行驶或停放.
  8. 因疏忽造成财产损失的,司机应当负赔偿责任.
  9. 教职员的客人必须在接待处登记车辆 & 问讯处在大厅大厅. 这有助于在发生紧急情况时通知操作员. 将发出临时许可证牌.
  10. 所有城市和州的交通法规,包括张贴的限速,在校园里都必须遵守.



  1. 上贝尔地段毗邻西校园大道,平行于西普林斯顿圈.
  2. 西区科技发展中心地段(网球场与科技发展中心大楼之间).
  3. 东RAD中心地块(诺福克大道一侧-与学生共享).
  4. Spaces adjacent to the Terrell Health and Counseling Center near Conway Lane (near the third floor of the Leggett building and over the Boiler room).
  5. 幼儿园场地(Terrell健康与咨询中心后方低层).
  6. East front campus from Main Hall to Moore Hall – in front of the Psychology Building – designated spaces only.
  7. 木兰地块的下部.
  8. 草地地块(与木兰地块平行).
  9. 如果空间是可用的,较低的贝尔学生停车场也可以使用.

重要的几点: 从史密斯大厅到主大厅的主校园大道上的停车位是 只供学院访客及嘉宾使用, 一天24小时,一周7天,一年12个月. *特殊活动期间可能会有例外, 恶劣天气, 学生迁入/迁出, 或由校园安全主任或指定人员要求预先批准并批准.


校园安全中心可按要求提供安全护送服务, 在夜间往返于所有365亚洲版学院的停车场和校园建筑之间, 或者如果有特殊情况,需要随时提供帮助.



  1. 未能出示有效的365亚洲版学院停车许可证/徽章.
  2. Parking in a handicap parking space without displaying proper handicap placard or state issued handicap license plate.
  3. 把车停在消防车道上.
  4. *将车停在访客车位.
  5. 其他违规行为包括:
    • 在装卸区停车.
    • 把车停在不指定的地方.
    • 在草地上停车(指定地点以外).
    • 堵塞车道/道路.
    • 过期的临时泊车牌.
  6. 所有的引用都是40美元.00. Payment of fees are accepted at the Cashier’s window in the Business Office during normal hours of operation.
  7. Failure to pay a citation fee within thirty (30) days of the date of issuance will result in a one-time payroll deduction from the employee’s paycheck.
  8. 任何人士如欲对违章停车传票提出上诉,必须向接待处索取上诉表格 & 问讯处位于大厅大堂. 所有申诉必须填妥并交回接待处 & 72小时内到达问讯处, 或自发出传票之日起三(3)个工作日. Appeals received after this time period will not be considered and citation fees are expected to be paid. 上诉程序的说明、信息和上诉表格也可以在这里找到:
    上诉程序说明和上诉表格可在接待处获得 & 在大厅的问讯处.
  • 上诉程序(PDF)
  • Any vehicle that receives three citations within a 30 day period may have a boot device attached when a fourth citation is issued.
  • A fee of $50.00可能会被评估为从任何车辆上移除启动装置,外加累计引用费.


Randolph College does not accept any responsibility or liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents at any time. 请锁好停放的车辆,将贵重物品放在视线之外或从车辆中取出.

  • 紧急联系人

    可以通过拨号联系校园保安 (434) 947-8000 从任何手机,智能手机或iPhone.



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